Misrepresentation in Newspapers
Recent Research has shown that Gout is often misrepresented in newspapers and can lead to people not getting the treatment they need.
Many people believe gout can only be a self-inflicted condition. This belief leads to many gout sufferers being embarrassed of their gout. Many people take this depiction of gout to mean that they only need to change their diet to treat their gout. It is important to speak to a doctor when you suffer gout in order to make sure you are properly treating gout
Article: "You don't have to be a drinker to have gout, but it helps": A content analysis of the depiction of gout in popular newspapers, Stefanie D Duyck BPsych, Keith J Petrie PhD and Nicola Dalbeth MD FRACP, Arthritis Care & Research, doi: 10.1002/acr.22879, published online 1 May 2016.
Narrow Treatment for Gout Sufferers
There is a debate among physicians about the most effective way to treat gout. Even though many people are prescribed medications to treat their gout, there is still debate about the most effective regimen. With new medications for gout being approved all the time, it is important to discus with your doctor all possible treatment options.
Article: Battle erupts over how to treat gout, no longer the ‘disease of kings’, Usha Lee McFarling, published online 25 January 2017